Saturday, January 21, 2012

January cases + Moving Foward

Happy raining Saturday!
I had a pretty bad day yesterday though, it just happens a lot though; stress, missing people, school, etc.
Though,after a month, I'll finally be able to see my mom <3 We're picking her up from the airport at 7 :3

This month I had been very busy with cases, I have ended up doing 3 already and still have 1 more to go!

I've been slow with the fourth one because it's orange, and out of all the colors I have, there are little orange and they didn't sell orange at the site. But we decided on adding yellow also.

Speaking of deco, I moved a bit more forward in this hobby, I had gotten some business cards made, made a face book page, and an email. Alot more people seem to ask
Probably the only thing that made me happy all week lol.
The wonderful Christian did this for me also check out

It makes me very happy, and I wish to save it more towards books and such for when I go to college. I had previously planned to apply for a job last year, but AP classes basically stop me from doing that. If I had to give up theater for a better grade, I am more than sure a job would do no good.



  1. I especially love the pink and black cases, the black ones is sooo lovely! * A * <333 I'm happy you like the card, too! <3

    Really hope your days get a little easier so you can rest and smile more - 3-

    1. Thanks! Yeah black on black made me melt *U*, the simple ones always end up being some of my favorites done.

      And thank you <3 ; u ;
