Saturday, May 5, 2012

Early Mother's day Outting + Gets

Sorry, I've been so busy, I think figuring out this new layout on blog spot was the last thing I wanted to deal with haha.

I have a few grades that I'm fighting with to get up
I'm SO close, but it takes so much work to just make the tiniest difference, I hate it.

I'm happy to blog right now though, I got a new camera!
The quality is amazing
Zach and I approve, no editing needed!

Since my dad went camping, my mother and I decided to have an early Mother's Day outing :3
 We had all you can eat sushi! But basically ate as much as just buying all the rolls we have would have cost  U v U ~~ hmph
We then went to Ross since she has been looking for a nice flower pot
I ended up getting some things too!
Trying to get my color is my closet!
needed some slip ons for school, I don't favor the open toe so I bought some black slip on socks to camouflage when wanted u v u
I got an earring rack also! I recently moved all my jewelry to a drawer instead of this shelf cubby, so I replaced with with a jewelry box and a bear u v u~
Well, I hope everyone is well!
I have my AP Exams starting next week, so I'll be dedicated to studying once more.
Wish my luck!



  1. Your shelf area looks so nice/cute! * v *
    Congrats on new camera!

    That roll looks so yummy, still don't know where to take my mum out for mother's day ;;
    Your hair looks SO GLOSSY I am totally envious /pets you <3

  2. ty bb! As you can see, I put decorative use to the envelopes you send keke <3<3 and they were! u v u when you find a place to take her you should tell me!~ and ty! *U* the instyler makes it so shiny ehe ~~

  3. Great entry my love <3
