Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sweet Treats Deco Tips: Getting started

Good day!
I recently finished my last batch of cases
What do you think?
If you're wanting to start deco too, here are some tips!

D: Define your comfort zone
Figure out what type of Deco you like. Do you like it to be more jewels? Alot of charms? Whip cream? When you do that, look up some specific tutorials for those types. Here's a small guide that might help you
Easily Frustrated
I'll point this out because this is why I hate whipped cream. It would get all over my hand, I would end up clumsily bumping into drying cream, and I would really get irritated. Whipped cream may not be for you, but instead a case with alot of big charms.

If you're patient and like things like puzzles, doing designed/planned out and a more jewel oriented case may be calling for you. You could make something like this, for example!

Why is this important? You don't want to waste your money on items that you end up not wanting to work with. I probably would have smashed my head into a wall if I paid for 20 dollar fake whipped cream to realize in one squeeze I was not a happy camper!

E: Economically savvy
You don't need to spend alot to make the case of your dreams. Ebay is great for cheaper cases for you phone (by the way DON'T DIRECTLY APPLY TO YOUR OWN ELECTRONIC, using a case is way safer and better if you want a different theme along the way!). Full moon prices charms and gems greatly, and you may already have an old accessory laying around that you want to reinvent on your case.

C: Customize 
There will be plenty of people buying the same charms you may be getting online, think outside the box and play with them!
 You could take apart an old button to make a new accent!

O: Organize!
From little jars, to pill cases, and to mini drawers- organizing everything is key!

 Set out everything you want to use BEFORE and pull out jewels you need to use in small amounts at a time. This way you won't be left with mixed up leftovers

So I hoped that helped! Any questions, you can ask on my Facebook page

Out of my batch, this one was my favorite!

Until text time


  1. I've always been curious as to how these things worked out *__* I used to try and deco stuff in 6th grade LOL It didn't work out.

    But you've given really good tips! Makes me wanna try it again ;A;

    1. Just as drawing never quite worked out for me lol, so I went ahead and stuck stuff on random things! Thank you so much <3 xx

  2. What's your favorite type of glue to use?

    1. Hello Amanda!
      At the moment I'm on my 2nd tube of Permanent Adhesive GOOP. I like this on alot! here's a review on a range of glues I've tried
