Saturday, February 26, 2011

Rock of Ages (Hollywood Trip)

So, a few days ago, Drama club went on a Hollywood field trip to see Rock of Ages
I was pretty skeptical, I'm not that much of an old rock fan minus the fact that I grew up with my parents listening to it, which is why I probably know the majority of the songs ; u ;.
But it was funny and romantic, the play was based off of "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey to my knowledge. city boy and a small town girl aha. They played on songs with the situation in the scene, and the narrator was really funny. Definitely not what I was expecting!

But before the play, we walked around for about 5 hours. The area was crowded and blocked off alot because they're setting up for the Oscars this Sunday. If it's anything to be proud of, I walked the (plastic covered) red carpet! aha > u <.

One thing I hated were the annoying celeb look alikes forcing you for pictures and then demanding tips!!
I didn't tip them, instead I tipped too nasty smelling cat women who took a horrible picture with me
but even with the spider men I was ultra derpy aha.

Rest of the time me and my friends walked this mall, it's really beautiful!

Claire's shop has some cute hats, but I didn't feel like clothes shopping and those hat were large, they sank into my head ; o ;

Anyways, before we had to leave to get back onto the Charter Bus to get to Pantagese, we ate crepes!
The decription for this nutella crepe was "Nutella crepe (hazelnut and chocolate mixture made from Heaven)"
it was a bit too much for me though,my friend ate the other half for me lol

And I wish i got pictures of them, but there were a couple of gal fashioned girls there!! They were foreign and spoke Japanese, ; u ; I was too shy to go up to them. My friend thinks they were there for the fashion event that went on.

Well, that's about it, we watched the play and it ended at about 10ish, I knocked out on the bus and died when I got home!

It was very fun :3

bye for now!

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