Saturday, March 5, 2011

Spring cleaning !~

I just got over a week long cold, it was short lived, which I'm thankful for because I have a week left until my Sweet 16!
The week itself was interesting though.

Wednesday Theater was asked to make a set for ASB's Senior Prom fashion show. The theme was "ticket to prom" (or something along that title) and we went for an old art deco style.
I didn't take pictures sadly, I brought my camera to do so but got way too busy to take a picture.
I got some suit cases from the prop closet and draped fancy clothes in some that were cracked open and such, very cute I thought.

Thursday I managed the show, I loved it! I mean, it was stressful but it was nice resolving issues and listening to the ideas and trying to put them to use. I wish they did a few other things though,next year I hope to help.
I had this idea that representatives at makeup places like Sephora could give makeup tips, since it's basically a showcase of what's in style for prom with style and hair...why not makeup for all the ladies out there wanting to know some tricks? They should definitely discuss the hair also, the show was just 4 different types formations that models walked in but in the same dress, they should have more dresses too. 
 Best part is I get some hours out of it and it gave me the idea of looking up in majoring Producing for college.

Friday I bought flowers for my birthday cake, again camera MIA but they're chrysanthemums, light pink and white, with bigger ones that fade from hot pink to peach.
The cake maker is a close friend's mother, and I can't begin to say how amazing my cake will be and how much of sweethearts they are to be doing my cake.
; u ; alot of my friends are helping me out too <3 this party is very DIY but with the help of some friends too.
If you live in the Socal area and are interested in a cake (and she doesn't even use fondant and it looks amazing) definitely message me!
Anyways I got that and some stationary stuff, will post pics later.

Today I tested how I want my hair, very excited.
getting tents (easy-ups) for the backyard tomorrow
I'll make a more picture oriented post later <3

Along with that I did some spring cleaning!
My mom has some amazing shotglasses

This was my favorite
as you can see i'm testing some watermarks ; u ; I'm not so pleased with this one.

ugh, so sorry you must be bored by this one pic post.
but that has been my busy week!
Next week will be worse!
fingers crossed <3
but you'll get some lovely pictures.


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