Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sweet Treats Deco Tips: Fake Whipped Cream (Cheap + Easy to get !)

Hello! Alright, so this will be my first out of many "Sweet Treats Deco Tips" posts to this blog. Today we'll be discussing false whipcream!

False whip cream is common with decos involving fake sweets/food, or to give something a sweet and cute look! It can be a base to a case or a topping to a fake macaroon. Either way, Fake whipped cream is a great way to add a sweetie feel to anything.

Though expensive (along the range of 12-25 dollars) there are many brands that sell kits and bags of fake whipped cream just for deco. They usually come in colors of white (vanilla), brown (choco), and pink (strawberry), with some exceptions of pastel colored soft clays and silicone.

If you're interested in a little deco on a discount, never fear!

What you will need

A. 100% Silicone - Can be found at hardware stores and simple places such as Walmart (Where I got mine). A big tube like that runs for about 5 bucks, when you could get a bag of deco whipped cream for 10 dollars having less than half the amount of this. Make sure to get 100% silicone, usually it says something about "window purpose"
B. Insulate gun- To be honest I don't even know if this is what they are called. My dad already has one, so maybe if you have a handy man around your house you may already have this. I bet you can find it where ever you find your silicone, though!
C. Scissors- for your bag, you may need something more strong like pliers or wire cutters to open the silicone tube tip.
D.Plastic bag- This is fine, or a pastry bag. It may be more, but you can use a normal reusable frosting bag, because once the leftover silicone dries it's very easy just to peel it out from your bag. I'm using a plastic bag though, it's rather flimsy, so I had to us tape around the tip so the cake tip wouldn't squeeze through the bag.
E.Cake tips- Just 2 bucks for 4 tips! Plastic like this is fine, no need to get fancy : >. Again, when your silicone dries, it's easy to peel out of the tip.

F.Face mask- I warn you, silicone fumes are horrible. Do this in a ventilated area, but a mask is optional
G.Gloves- Silicone isn't toxic to the skin or anything bad, but it feels nasty to me, you'll have a smoother time working with things too if you have gloves on.
H.Charms- Silicone is the best "glue" in my opinion, all you need to do is stick cute things in your cream while it's still wet and you're done!
I.Acrylic Paint- Add just a little to your silicone and mix, creating a new personalized color!
And Now Let's Get Started!

 You want to loosen the gun by unscrewing the knob until the tube fits into the gun's bed. Then retighten it until it's "stuck". The pressure of you screwing shouldn't release silicone until you pull the trigger. You can see a tab at the base of the knob, that's what you press to release the pressure so the silicone with stop pouring out.
Now with your bag, cut one of the corners (not big) and drop your tip into the bag, fitting it through the corner. For more durability on such a flimsy bag, put tape around the tip of the bag, just make sure to not block the tip's opening.

 Shoot an amount you see fit of silicone into the bag and near the tip.When you have enough, twist the bag shut like you would a normal frosting bag. Then squeeze out your design, steady and consistant!

 Practice before deco! See the best way you can do it, and how it looks. it takes about 30 minutes for it to get gunky, and a hour to be dry, give it a full 24 hours to dry. Remember to have fun!

And if you get some silicone on gems, it's very easy to peel it off if it's just a little bit. strays can be shaped with scissors after it dries too, and you can also smooth some things out with a tooth pick when it's still wet.

Well, that's all for now! I'll be reviewing glues next.
If you have any deco requests, drop a comment!


 And enjoy your Valentine's Day!


  1. Hey there, I'm new to deco and figuring out what the best products to use are. :) Does the silicone dry rock hard? Or is it still a bit flexible?
    Thanks for the great tutorial! :) xx
