Saturday, January 15, 2011

&. How are you?

Huzzah for a 3 day weekend!

First week of school...And it feels like I've been there for a month already = u =. Already getting into Poetry  Analysis for English, and some novel about cowboys...oh joy. Going to do a short "one shot" film for theater tech, and also need to work on my monologue for tryouts next week on "Treasure Island" I will be pirate AHA. Before we were going to do Cerino De Bergerac (the one where the man has a big nose) but the director thought it may be too tragic, and spring plays are comedic for us.

I also got back into working out and working harder, it's paying off alot : ) making me tired though!
Today was spent with raking leaves : < Leaves are still falling...Hate having big trees
Also walked my dog

It was so hot he ended up crashing into the shade when we got home trying to take a nap before I could even get him in the house OTL.

Enough of this pointless ranting though!
I can't wait to get contact solution, I got Dolly eye Crystal.i contacts for Christmas from a friend *u*

OH and I got this ADORABLE drawing in the mail 

Isn't it just so amazing? Yuppon draws so awesome <3 she also gave me some deco glue she never uses anymore. So I'm going to test it out soon, I want to do reviews on glues some time!

But for now, pretty this blog up a bit - u -


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