Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Very Happy Birthday

~A very Sweet Sixteen to me~
First, Very sorry that I'm posting this a week after my party, but I was being piled with schoolwork during the week. The good thing is that my spring break is finally starting!

Anyways, the past weeks have been hectic with planning. The couple days I had left before my party were the craziest. That Thursday I got my outfit and nails.
 These were/still are my nails~ None of my items came in the mail so I rummaged through what they had at the salon and came up with this. the flowers were originally white with red centers, but after coating them with a pink they looked a lot better.I wanted very simple with a edge for my party : > so I did this and added the full glitter nails for a nice touch, I really do like them!! The ring was also my gift from my parents~~
Bad pic, the belt connected with brass leaves, and I had a brown flower in my hair.
 The outfit was the craziest, basically I had to throw on outfits in the last 10 minutes the mall had until it closed. F21 failed me...So I ran to Wet Seal and got everything I wanted in a outfit~~

 And a better view of my cake!
My close friend's mother made it. I really loved it, and it was delicious~
The top was vanilla with a strawberry and peach filling, the bottom marbled.
It was huge though, so everyone had their share before we could get into the marbled! *A*
(My dad, sister, and I ended up taking the rest to school/work)
I was so tired... During the of cutting my cake I both forgot to take the shield off the cake server and my knife was backwards LOL, so someone came in a served the rest.

And apparently it escaped my mind to take pictures of decorations. Hopefully you see I had lights strung everywhere and my aunt got me adorable heart + flower chandelier-ish things for all the tents.

Better hair picture? I teased it like a beast but I wanted more volume on top >:C
Me and Griselda : >

man was I tired.

Throwing a party is a real challenge. My feet were killing me from 2 sizes too small flats and little sleep.
some serious lessons!
-All decorations realllly need to be ready atleast an hour before party
-makeup + hair included
-make friends with people who don't eat 4 breadsticks at a time when serving sizes are very strict (lol)
-plan better ; o ; 
I'm not even going to say practice makes perfect, because I don't plan on throwing a bash anytime soon lol.

I really did enjoy it, and I got positive feedback~~
My actual birthday (monday the 14th) I actually did my makeup 
A better picture of my lenses than that old DSi one.

Present Haul sometime this week! this post is wayyy too long as is
Cheers to another year!