Friday, April 1, 2011

Citrus Festival + Sucker Punch

Hello hello!
You know...For it being spring, the weather sure isn't fantastic here in sunny side California.
Saturday, There was a festival by my house called the "15th Annual Citrus Festival"
๏̯͡๏ I'm not sure of the history minus the fact that my dad says this area used to be all orange groves.
But I wanted to check out the vendors and what not!~
I decided to play with my Toki Doki Pallette and the half lashes from Sephora.
I wish I had a better camera >:C
But I used the Royal Pride and Arlechinno palette.
The half lashes do a good job on making my lashes fuller.
Also, I want some brown lenses! :c they'd be less obvious so I can wear them out more~
Griselda came over and we went ahead and walked to the festival.
:C When we got there it was weird because they had a street of engines just blowing out smoke
But after we passed that we saw the vendors~

We were on the hunt for nice deals!
I ended up getting a scarf and big brown sweater at a thrift shop for next winter
: < I have to hem the scarf because one side messed up in the washer.
And since my Missha pen eyeliner is starting to die out I got a really nice pen at a cosmetic tent.
Also! Me and Griselda got matching charms, her bunny is orange :3
I think ten of my dollars actually went to food -dies-
 They had a korean bbq tent, so I got a stick of beef and this DELICIOUS strawberry lemonade drink.
Griselda got some yummy corn too lol~
 After we finished everything I got another cup of that amazing drink and we walked back home.
By then griselda left and I got ready for the movies to see Sucker Punch ・ ω ・
 I re-did my makeup and switched lashes!~
You can see a review for these lashes here
lenses could have been a finishing touch : < but lenses + the movies= no good for me
The movie was really good!
After that we sort of roamed around a near by
 : >  I found this cute little octopus~
: < but i couldn't get him 

Well, it's time for homework and cleaning. :C School Monday!
Until next time,

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