Sunday, May 1, 2011

Craft shopping day! (+Making of a Luma doll)

Finally my performances are over and I can breath!
So last weekend I went on a craft shopping day with a friend. She said she wanted to make Lumas so it just seemed to be the perfect time to his the craftstore!

If you haven't played Mario Galaxy, This is a luma on the top right
I've never played the game before, but it's so cute!

First we ate at this really yummy place called Ono BBQ

We split this, but their breaded Chicken was the best part! We should have just gotten that platter, since we weren't so crazy for the grilled chicken.

There's nothing to interesting about what we did/got while in the craft store.
We sat at Starbucks for awhile so I took pictures and played Super Mario Bros
Note, it was cooler last week. The weather change was making me catch a cold. Now I'm feeling a bit sick again, but I always get sick from projecting after all my plays have finished. 
I suppose that I didn't take any decent makeup pictures. But I used 2 lashes that day. Full sephora ones and these peicey ones from P&C That made the ends fuller.

My friend's little sister brought along her 3DS. It's interesting! you can change the 3d option, which is helpful. It's really confusing to me though, haha. Also, to be honest the appearance isn't to my taste, I love the matte design to my DSi way too much. But the 3DS's game where you can shoot at yourself is super fun!

But, let's just get onto what i got!

I wasn't planning to get alot, but if you take me past the baby fabric section you're asking for my wallet to get empty. I saw this adorable bear fabric!! I might make a pillow out of it, but I don't know. I always find cute stationary at the $1 section too! The photo album will be for purikura. I'm going to scrapbook cute pages!
So if you lovely readers take purikura and want to send me some you definitely should!!

I bought a little bottle of Makeup Forever fixer, I'll review when I use it. My friend and I also got matching butterflies, but her's is a seafoam green, also a little makeup bag. I went to Target for new pants, and found out for the first time that day the amazing prices ELF has. So I got lots of brushes!! The press powder is too dark for me, but when I apply it with the face brush it's just a warmer glow. I also got a contour brush.

And for the luma plushie! My friend got both pink and blue fabric. This was our first luma and it was hard to make so we could only make a pink one at the time, lol.

I did alot of the sewing of the luma, Nhi went on to cutting out eyes, and sewing those on, if you can't tell what her nails are, they're sakura. They're super cute, you can see a photo here!

And the finished result!

After AP testing we plan to make and sell them. For people at school though, idk if we'll sell online, we'll see how bored we are this summer I guess!

Speaking of summer, I plan to tell you guys some great products to use for this summer.
Until then, see you later!


ps.Sorry if this post is a little messy! I have a bad headache ; u ; <3

1 comment:

  1. oh thank u cutie! i love your star plushieee so kawaiiiiiii!
