Sunday, April 17, 2011

Not alot going on

◕ ^ ◕ Testing has been going on all week.....Along with practices until 6pm everyday.
I've done both English and math testing. Both alright, I don't know what grade to expect.
My play "Treasure Island" was also canceled earlier this week. I was glad, no one was really interested in this play and around 8 people were quit. We decided to go with a short "ensemble" called "Juvie"

An ensemble is where all the cast is on stage at all times, there are no leads, and to say the least everyone has a near equal amount of importance.
Juvie is a self awarness play of around 8 teenagers put in jail for several reasons. We all have a chance to have our own monologue of how we got in, and many of the characters have realizations.
I will be playing "Pinky", basically a drug user/dealer who's been tossed to the side many times in her life.
She's very feisty! aha.

We have about another week to get this play done. So I'll be spending even more time memorizing my lines.

Also, Friday I got out early and went to dinner with my family
This was my makeup up for school. When I got home I added my eyeshadow and some lashes.
haha, dramatic change, no? I don't wear alot of makeup at school. it wears off and I try to be more dedicated in studies than anything else. So it's usually just my cover up, eyeliner, and mascara for me!

here's a better quality picture. I put my lenses in when I got home for the sake of a few pictures to compliment my makeup. I'm not  allow to own contacts : < So I can only wear them at so many places. I'll review these when I get the change! These are Dolly Eye Celeb Nudy Grey.

For now, that's about it!
This weekend I will be going craft shopping.
I swear I need to be their best customer ; o ;
Me and my friend Nhi will be trying to make those stars from Mario Galaxy as plushies, wish us luck!
Hopefully I can nab some adorable Easter things as well <3

Until Next Time~

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